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The Organisation and Management of the Preschool

Collingham and District Pre-School is registered with and regularly inspected by Ofsted. The pre-school adheres to the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. We are also a member of the Early Years Alliance.

The pre-school is managed by a dedicated management committee whose members are elected by the parents of the children who attend the pre-school.

A link to our constitution is below:


The elections take place at the pre-schools Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The committee is responsible for:

  • managing the school’s finances
  • employing and managing the staff
  • making sure that the pre-school has - and works to - policies which help it to provide a high quality service
  • making sure that the pre-school works in partnership with the children’s parents


The AGM is open to the parents of all the children who attend the pre-school. It is their forum for looking back over the previous year’s activities and shaping the coming year.


The committee currently consists of:

Catherine Winter - Secretary

Russell Jones - Website & Health and Safety

Emma Davies - Chair

Jo Linton - Committee Member

Harriet Boyd - Committee Member 


The preschool is always seeking new committee members and cannot run without a minimum of 5 on the committee. If you would like further information or would like to support the preschool by joining the committee, please contact either a member of staff or current committee member.


  • Opening Hours
  • Monday to Friday: 8.00am - 5.45pm