The fees per session are payable half-termly in advance.
If you find it easier to pay weekly, this can be arranged, but you must let us know before the start of term.
Fees must still be paid if children are absent due to holiday or illness.
If your child has to be absent over a long period of time, please talk to a member of staff.
For your child to keep his/her place at the pre-school, you must pay the fees, or we must receive nursery education funding for your child.
Session Fees: -
2 year olds £19.50 per 3-hour session
3 & 4 year olds £16.00 per 3-hour session
Breakfast Club £5.00
After School Club £10.00
Full day rate 2yr olds £54.00
Full day rate 3-4yr olds £47.00
Holiday Club 2yr olds £40
Holiday Club 3-4yr olds £36
£10 registration/admin fee when your child enrolls.
All children are entitled to claim 15 hours of funded childcare in the term after which they turn 3. For more information on this please see the County Council web page - 15 hours funded childcare
Some children may be entitled to claim up to 30 hours of funded childcare, but this is dependent on parents working a minimum of 16 hours.
Some children are entitled to claim funding when 2, please ask a member of staff for more details.