We offer sessional care to children aged from 2 to statutory school age.
To express an interest in a place for your child, please complete an "application for a place" form available from staff at the pre-school or contact us by email or phone.
This can be done at any time regardless of your child’s age – whether just a few months old or nearly 2!
Children are offered places when they are 2 years old ; We will try to give sessions as requested, but these will depend on availability.
When your child is due to start you will be asked to fill in a variety of enrolment forms such as contact details and any relevant medical information. These forms need to be returned, completed, 48 hours before your child's first session. This is to ensure that we can address any allergies before your child starts.
Find out more about what to expect as your child approaches starting with us at Preschool
Please complete the attached form (either hard copy or electronically) to apply for a place for your child at the Preschool. This can be emailed, posted or dropped into the preschool.